I probably never would have ended up being a client of Marsha Fenwick if my heart doctor had not given me an unsettling message: Lose about 30 pounds (or more preferably) or else!! It was the unappetizing words ‘or else’ that got to me! Before that first appointment, I expected that I was going to be exposed to a severe, highly structured, unpleasant dietary regime. To my surprise, I began to enjoy my sessions with Marsha – and the food program she designed for me from the outset. I think that’s because Marsha excels in giving me alternatives to the foods I truly enjoy (which, of course, happen to be on the forbidden list. Marsha has also made the experience interesting by giving me enough digestible (no pun intended) information on nutrition, to help me make more sensible dietary decisions. Lastly, I think what makes all of this work ultimately is that Marsha is a very empathetic person who has a natural way of making me still feel good about myself, even if, as occasionally happens, I stray from her dictates. I still have a bit of a way to go, but am confident, that with Marsha’s help and advice, I will get there before not too long – and stay there.