30 Self-Care Strategies to Improve Your Mood

Practicing self-care can help you avoid burn out, improve your mood and reduce anxiety. By taking care of yourself, you’re able to be there for others when they need you.

You may find these tips helpful for interrupting negative patterns and enhancing your mood:

1. Step back and self-reflect. Whenever you start feeling depressed, try to stop, reflect, and get to the root of the feelings.

2. Reach out to a loving, understanding person… it’s one of the best things you can do.

3. Listen to music. Music can heal, put you in a better mood, make you feel less alone, or take you on a mental journey.

4. Cuddle or play with pets. Spending quality time with a loving pet can instantly make your heart and soul feel better.

5. Go for a walk. Walking always helps clear the head and shed negative energy. It’s especially therapeutic if you choose to walk at a scenic location.

6. Drink something healthy and reinvigorating. Try one of my delicious and nutritious drink recipes >

Warm Ginger Pear Smoothie

7. Look through old photographs or snap some new ones. Sorting through old memories or capturing new ones usually puts a smile on ones face.

8. Take a nap. Sometimes we just need to recharge. It always feels better after getting some rest.

9. Plan a fun activity. It can be something as simple as creating your own vision board or something as big as planning a trip.

10. Do something spontaneous. Some favorite memories entail choices you made spontaneously. We should all learn to let go of routine every now and then and do something exciting and unplanned.

11. Prioritize. Sometimes we feel depressed when priorities are out of balance. Try to make sure your giving a fair amount of attention to all the priorities in your life, such as work, relationships, health, and personal happiness.

12. Journal. It always helps to get thoughts and feelings out in front of you.

self care, self-care, self-care strategies, improve mood

13. We’ve all missed physical touch during Covid, but when it’s safe to do so, hug someone. Hugs are such an easy way to express love and care without having to say a word.

14. Laugh. Watch a funny movie or spend time with someone who has a good sense of humor. Laughing releases tension and has a natural ability to heal.

15. Cry. Whenever you have an opportunity to slink away and cry by yourself, it usually always feels better afterwards. Crying releases pain.

16. Read back over old emails or text messages, or listen to old voicemails. Be reminded that you are loved, thought about, and appreciated.

17. Reconnect with someone. Get back in touch with an old friend or a family member that you haven’t spoken to in awhile. Reconnecting with people almost always puts one in a good mood and fills the heart up with love.

18. Write yourself a letter. Try to separate yourself from the ego and give yourself a pep talk every now and then. Cicero said, “Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself.”

19. Try a deep breathing exercise. There are all kinds of deep breathing exercises out there. Find one you like and do it whenever you’re feeling stressed or overly emotional.

20. Cultivate gratitude. Practicing genuine gratitude on a daily basis can be a major source of healing in your life. When you step back and notice everything you have to be grateful for, it makes you feel like you have everything you need and that nothing is lacking.

21. Re-watch a funny or inspiring YouTube video. There are so many funny and inspiring videos online.

22. Cook something healthy. Enjoy and savour what you made and share it with others afterward.  Need ideas? I’ve got tons of healthy recipes for you here >

self care, self-care, self-care strategies, improve mood

23. Get out of the house. Make a point to get out every now and then, whether it’s to get some fresh air or go out to eat with a friend.

24. Focus on what truly matters to you. Sometimes we forget what matters to us and what isn’t that important. Some things just aren’t worth getting too upset over.

25. Take a negative comment or situation and look for something positive about it. Perspective is everything.

26. Daydream. Take a mental vacation. Let your mind wander for a while.

27. Let some natural sunlight come in. Opening all the blinds and curtains and letting natural sunlight flood your home can help elevate your mood.

28. Take a mental health day. Sometimes we just need to take a day to clear our heads and nurture our souls.

29. Let go. This is a very simple mantra. Say it to yourself multiple times each day, which is very liberating and empowering.

30. Visit the website Tiny Buddha for some simple wisdom. From blog posts to quotes and other inspiration, there is a category for almost every universal theme or emotion.


“Ways to Improve Your Mood” The Lifeline Canada, Retrieved 21 July 2021. <https://thelifelinecanada.ca/pattern-interrupt/ways-to-improve-your-mood/>.

Marsha Fenwick, C.N.P.  R.R.T.

Marsha is not your typical nutritionist. She began her career 20 years ago as a Registered Respiratory Therapist. Later, she earned her certifications as a Registered Nutritional Consultant Practitioner, Certified Nutritional Practitioner, and Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner. Marsha is also a Certified Cancer Coach. Her clinical practice specializes in: sustainable healthy weight loss, digestive health, women's hormones, diabetes, heart health, and cancer prevention and recovery. For more information and to book a FREE 15 minute consultation go to www.marshafenwicknutrition.com

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